11-year-old Eulalia, fondly known by her family and friends as “Lala,” has been fighting pre-B-cell ALL leukemia since May, 2014.
Lala’s mother Ingrid, a single mom with four children, lost her job as a cab driver at the time of her daughter’s diagnosis. This sudden reduction of income left Ingrid unable to stay on top of her monthly bills. The family lost their home and moved in with Ingrid’s parents. When the landlord found out about the extra occupancy, Ingrid and her four children were forced to leave the apartment. With no other options, the family moved into a homeless shelter.
Ingrid was determined not to let homelessness interfere with Lala’s progress during treatment. She turned to her social worker at Saint Mary’s Medical Center, who immediately contacted Family Reach.
Family Reach stepped in to provide financial assistance covering a security deposit and first month’s rent, allowing the family of five to move back into a home of their own.
Ingrid now works two jobs while her parents continue to help care for the four children. Family Reach sends love and support to Lala, Ingrid and the whole family as they continue treatment!