Family Reach Creative Expression

An overview of our brand voice, feel, and design.

About Family Reach

Family Reach is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that provides non-medical financial support to families facing cancer. Treatment requires more than medicine — families need a roof over their heads and food on their tables to survive. If a family can’t meet these basic needs, cancer treatment takes a back seat. We work with patients, providers, and community organizations to challenge the systems that force families to choose between their health and their home. Together, we’re making financial treatment a standard of cancer care.

Official logo

FR logo
Family Reach Logo


Primary colors

Please note that purple and green are primary colors because they are in the logo. However, they are typically used sparingly or as accent colors to avoid accessibility challenges and achieve a modern look as the brand evolves. You may use the navy blue, tints, and shades more generously.

*Denotes primary shade


#85C446 |RGB 133,196,70 | CMYK: 32,0,64,23 | Logo Green

*#A1C051 | RGB 161,192,81 | CMYK 42,8,88,0

#97B94A | RGB: 141,185,74 | CMYK: 46,10,93,0

#AFCA6E | RGB: 175,202,110 | CMYK: 35,5,73,0

#C2D691 | RGB: 194,214,145 | CMYK: 26,4,54,0

#D4E2B3 | RGB: 212,226,179 | CMYK: 18,2,36,0

#ECF2DD | RGB: 236,242,221 | CMYK: 7,1,15,0

#3F6D09 | RGB: 36,109,9 | CMYK: 76,35,100,24


*#824B87 | RGB: 130,75,135 | CMYK: 4,44,0,47 | Logo Purple

#9B6F9F | RGB: 155,111,159 | CMYK: 3,30,0,38

#B493B7 | RGB: 180,147,183 | CMYK: 2,20,0,28

#CDB7CF | RGB: 205,183,207 | CMYK: 1,12,0,19

#E6DBE7 | RGB: 230,219,231 | CMYK: 0,5,0,9

#4E2D51 | RGB: 78,45,81 | CMYK: 4,44,0,68

Navy blue

*#30476E | RGB: 48,71,110 | CMYK: 56,35,0,57

Use for headers

#596C8B | RGB: 89,108,139 | CMYK: 36,22,0,45

#8391A8 | RGB: 131,145,168 | CMYK: 22,14,0,34

#ACB5C5 | RGB: 172,181,197 | CMYK: 13,8,0,23

#D6DAE2 | RBG: 214,218,226 | CMYK: 5,4,0,11


Secondary colors

#A5D6D3 | RGB: 165,214,211 | CMYK: 35,2,18,0

#CAE2E1 | RGB: 202,226,179 | CMYK: 20,3,11,0

#EFF5F5 | RGB: 239,245,245 | CMYK: 5,1,2,0


#444444 | RGB: 68,68,68 | CMYK: 0,0,0,73

Use for body copy

Accent Neutrals

#D7D3C3 | RGB: 215,211,195 | CMYK: 15,12,22,0

#EAE8DF | RBG: 234,232,223 | CMYK: 7,6,11,0


Montserrat - Headers

Normal / Regular

Open Sans - Body copy for WEB


Proxima Nova - Body copy for PRINT


Brand Elements

Boxes & containers

  • Corners rounded 16px
  • Roughly 15px of padding—give content room to breath
  • Brand colors can be used interchangeably to fit the needs of the content or page
  • Text colors should contrast with the container
  • Use rounded corners for photography, callout boxes, and CTA buttons


  • Always use sentence case
  • Montserrat Semibold
  • Hover animation: Shrink on Elementor
  • Rounded corners – Border radius 16px
  • Color should be purple with white text or navy with white text




Brand Tone and Voice

In general, Family Reach messaging should always be thoughtful, intentional, and compassionate. Our storytelling often has a positive spin, either in offering hope to families facing cancer, empowering our general audience to make a difference, or inspiring someone to collaborate with us.

We don’t use stuffy phrases or jargon unless we know we’re speaking someone’s specific language. Instead, Family Reach is relatable, approachable, and grounded in gratitude.

When speaking to specific audiences, we lead with different elements of Family Reach’s tone and voice:

    • Patient/Caregiver Audience: Understanding, compassionate, supportive
    • General Audience: Casual, informative, motivating
    • Strategic Audience: Bold, experienced, trustworthy