Finding Holiday Joy During Cancer Treatment: Paisley’s Story
Meet Paisley: A spunky toddler with a strong family unit who faced the financial reality of cancer and other traumas together.
Meet Paisley: A spunky toddler with a strong family unit who faced the financial reality of cancer and other traumas together.
Family Reach partners with Hilton to provide cancer patients and their families with a safe and welcoming place to stay so they can access the care they need.
“Cancer has created an unspeakable amount of debt for me, which is just embarrassing. I am not sure how I will be able to buy groceries and pay for car insurance or rent most months,” says Mia. “The mental toll and worry it brings is exhausting and keeps me awake most nights.”
Cancer-fighter Isaiah's routine surgery gone wrong altered the financial and mental stability of his family and ultiamately changed the course of his life.
Rula had never experienced being sick or needing to be on disability, but she quickly learned that cancer doesn’t discriminate. In honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, read Rula's story about how she faced the hardships of cancer as a successful businesswoman and single mother to three beautiful children.
There are moments in life when we wish superheroes were real. Moments when reality takes a turn for the worse, leaving us scared and uncertain about what to expect next.…
Cynthia, a loving wife and mother to two incredible boys, ages 5 and 6, was diagnosed with Paget’s Breast Cancer in October 2017. This is a rare form of cancer that only affects 1-4% of all breast cancer cases.
As children grow, they have moments when their unique personalities shine through. This is the case with Johnny, a 3-year-old little boy who loves to swim and play with water…
When 20-year-old Virginia was diagnosed with stage III Hodgkin Lymphoma, Family Reach social worker stepped in to help the family. Years later, they had the chance to meet in person!
In honor of Wellness Month, we want to highlight Kenji Freedman. Kenji is the founder of our Reach Athletes program and an individual who believes in wellness as a life philosophy and a way to help those in need. Learn about his #ChooseHappy campaign and how he continues to raise money for families battling cancer.